Who We Are
The Famee Furlane Society of Vancouver promotes Friulan culture, traditions, friendship, and folklore by providing various musical, artistic, athletic, culinary, travel, and recreational events for all members to enjoy”
The society of Vancouver is involved with social and cultural events, charitable donations sponsorships, disaster relief fund raising and many other activities. These have always been and will continue to be, an integral part of the Famee Furlane of Vancouver.
Famee Furlane Vancouver Mission Statements
To unite persons of Friulan origin or descent into a large family with the intention of maintaining the culture and traditions of Friuli and Italy in Canada.
To assist Famée Furlane members and their families should they become victims of illness or tragedy.
To promote the Friulan culture through its various regional traditions, with the intent of maintaining Friulan folklore and making it known to other persons.
To promote and assist Friulan youth, by maintaining active contact and giving moral and financial support when necessary to uphold their knowledge and interest in the Friulan culture and its origins.
To promote cultural events through the organization of artistic, musical, cultural, athletic, and recreational activities, for the purpose of maintaining the Friulan culture in Canada.
To promote and maintain unity and encourage dialogue with other Friulan organizations in Canada and around the world.
Current Board Members
Danny Scodeller
Jerry Marzin
Vice President
Liliana Tesan
David Polano
Vic Tesan
Luigi Tuan
Hall Maintenace
Mike Marzin
Hall Maintenance
Our Past Presidents
Giovanni D'Appolonia
Tony Fabbris
Primo Tesan
1960-1962, 1967-1968
Agostino Martin
1963-1965, 1976-1979
Celso Ros
Fernando Polo
Gian Pietro Infanti
Bruno Della Savia
Luigi Marzin
Emilio Infanti
Petronio Olivieri
Lino Toppazzini
Paolo Bordon
Eliseo D'Agnolo
1980-1981, 1988-1989, 1994-1998
Joe Toso
1969-1971, 1999-2011
Tony Fabbro
Lega Femminile (Ladies Auxiliary) Presidents
Dolores Carino Interim in early 1966
Leonilla Tesan 1966-1967
Luisa Carino 1968-1970, 1987-1988
Virginia Cividin 1971-1972
Esterida Colussi 1973-1975, 1977-1984
Agnese Mussio 1976
Evelina Gubiani 1985-1986
Corinna Marzin 1989-1992, 1995-1996, 2001-2006, 2008-2016
Alice Ros 1993-1994, 1997-2000, 2006-2007
Sonia Tolusso & Tara Siega 2017 (shared)
Marilynn Tesan 2018